We're delighted that so many of you are posting your answers, and also delighted that so many of you are so keen to be accurate and want to know how to enter accents on your posts.
I use a Mac and it's dead easy to enter accented characters using keystroke combinations. But on a PC I'm a bit lost. This site does offer lots of useful information but it takes a wee while to get through it all. Here's a wee summary.
You have three main options: 1. Install the International Keyboard; 2. Use the Character Map and copy and paste your accents, or 3. use the ALT+number combinations as explained below.
1. Installing the International Keyboard
There are full instructions for installing the International Keyboard on Windows XP on this site. Once you have it installed, you can use the keyboard shortcuts as explained here.
2. Use the Character Map
This is quite useful for inserting the odd accent or symbol here and there. On most systems you can find it by going to Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. Alternatively you can go to Start Menu > Run and then type charmap. Assuming your cursor is blinking within the text box, eg. on the comments page on the blog, then you can double click any accented character and it should appear at the correct place on the blog.
3. Use ALT+number combinations
This is possibly the most common way of using accented characters on a PC, but equally it's one of the trickiest. If your computer has a numeric keypad on the right of your keyboard (ie. the number keys are there as well as "above" the letters) then you can use this method. You need to hold down the ALT key and then press a combination of numbers and your accented character should appear. The list is below for French:
à 0224
â 0226
ç 0231
é 0233
è 0232
ê 0234
ë 0235
î 0238
ï 0239
ô 0244
ù 0249
û 0251
À 0192
Ç 0199
È 0200
É 0201
Ê 0202
Ë 0203
Î 0206
Ï 0207
Ô 0212
Ù 0217
Û 0219
« 0171 (opening French inverted commas)
» 0187 (closing French inverted commas)
For a full list for other languages, and for further discussion see this very useful site. I hope all of this helps!
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