If you've got to this episode then you're doing well - you're a quarter of the way through the whole course! If you're signed up for the enhanced VERBcast then you should have been receiving the text messages each day too. These will hopefully help to keep your mind on verbs when you're not listening to the VERbcast!
On today's show
Four more verbs today, this time it's the turn of dire, écrire, dormir and prendre. There is also a wee bonus in this episode - you get 5 for the price of 4 because comprendre works exactly like prendre!
VERBcast 05 High quality (broaband users)
VERBcast 05 Low quality (dialup users)
We're always keen to have your feedback. How do you feel at the end of the first quarter of the series? Are you finding the programmes useful? What about the relaxation technique side of things? Do you feel you're learning something? Can you close your eyes and imagine your cerebral screen? Feedback by clicking on the Comments link below.
He takes the bus - Il prend le bus.
We write a letter - Nous ecrivons une lettre.
You (plural) sleep under the stars - Vous dormez sous les etoiles.
Je prends une douche tous les soirs.
Tu dors sur un lit de camp.
Nous ecrivons une essai.
Il dit que c'est vrai.
p.s. I don't know how to get accents on my computer - sorry.
Posted by: Laurin | April 23, 2006 at 08:50 PM
Well done Laurin - verbs are fine! I think it would be 'un lit de camping', and it's 'un essai'.
Posted by: Vivien | April 23, 2006 at 09:12 PM
He takes the bus - Il prend le bus.
We write a letter - Nous ecrivons une lettre.
You sleep under the stars - Vous dormez sous les etoiles.
My sentences: Je prends un sandwich a l'ecole.
Tu dors dans mon lit.
J'ecris dans mon cahier.
Elle dit c'est jolie!
Hope these are ok!
p.s. - still don't know how to get accents on my computer. Does anyone else????
Posted by: Heather | April 23, 2006 at 09:20 PM
He takes the bus: Il prend le bus
We write a letter: Nous ecrivons une lettre
You sleep under the stars: Vous dormez sous les etoiles
Je prends une douche le matin
Il ecrit un roman
Elles dorment dans une tente
Tu prends un cafe noir?
Posted by: Alison | April 23, 2006 at 10:19 PM
Heather - first of all, I'm trying to solve your accent problem. Will make a separate post on this. Secondly, in French if you're reporting someone's speech you have to say "she says THAT it's pretty", so it becomes "elle dit QUE c'est joli". (Also it has to be the masculine form of "joli" after c'est.
Alison, très bien. Pas de problème!
Posted by: Mark | April 23, 2006 at 10:26 PM
Heather, are you using a pc or a mac? I can help with accents on either!
Posted by: Vivien | April 23, 2006 at 10:26 PM
Well done Alison!
Posted by: Vivien | April 23, 2006 at 10:29 PM
Hey Heather, i'm just copying them and pasting them from Languagezone, it's very technical for me!hehe
He takes the bus- il prend le bus.
We write a letter- nous écrivons une lettre.
You sleep under the stars- vous dormez sous les étoiles.
Ils disent que le Verbcast est excellente!
J'écris un livre.
Nous prenons le train.
Elle dort pendant le classe de l'anglais.
Posted by: Anna | April 23, 2006 at 10:34 PM
He takes the bus - Il prend le bus.
We write a letter - Nous ecrivons une lettre.
You sleep under the stars - Vous dormez sous les etoiles.
Elle dit qu'il est drole.
Vous ecrivez un essai.
Je dit jusqu' au midi!
Nous prenons l'autobus pour l'ecole.
Posted by: Tamsin | April 23, 2006 at 10:44 PM
Anna, a couple of wee things.
The Verbcast is "un" podcast and is therefore masculine. You need to say "excéllent" with a masculine ending.
Also, when you're talking about the English class, I'd probably say "La classe d'anglais". "Classe" is feminine so it needs to be "la classe", and "d'anglais" sounds better than "de l'anglais".
Posted by: Mark | April 23, 2006 at 10:45 PM
Bien, Tamsin. A couple of wee things though, really just about your third example. You wrote "Je dit jusqu'au midi". I'm not 100% sure what you mean here. If you're trying to say "I say until noon", as in in your opinion this will happen until 12 o'clock and no longer, then you should say "je DIS (watch spelling) jusqu'à (not AU) midi".
Hope that helps. By the way, there should be no excuses on the accents from now on - see the latest post on the blog!
Posted by: Mark | April 23, 2006 at 10:51 PM
He takes the bus - Il prend le bus
We write a letter - Nous écrivons une lettre
You (plural) sleep under the stars - Vous dormez sous des étoiles
Je prends mes médicaments tous les jours
Tu ne comprends pas?
Ils écrivent avec leur stylos
Elle dit avec un accent écossais
Posted by: Andrea | April 23, 2006 at 11:12 PM
Thanks for the link about how to put in accents. It was really helpful in that last one lol :)
Posted by: Andrea | April 23, 2006 at 11:13 PM
I think Tamsin probably means 'Je dors jusqu'à midi' ! Pas pendant la semaine!!
Posted by: Vivien | April 24, 2006 at 07:20 AM
Andrea, your verbs are fine, but in your last sentence you would say 'elle parle...' - remember that 'dire' means 'to say' whereas 'parler' is 'to speak'.
Posted by: Vivien | April 24, 2006 at 07:22 AM
Cool, thanks Mark!
Posted by: Anna | April 24, 2006 at 02:19 PM
he takes the bus: il prends le bus
We write a letter: nous écrivons une lettre
You sleep: vous dormez sous les étoiles.
je prends mon déjeuner a la cantine
vous dormez jusq'au midi
il dit "je suis cool"
ils écrivent un e-mail
Posted by: gavin | April 24, 2006 at 04:53 PM
Très bien Gavin! Verbs are fine, but remember the accent on 'à la cantine', and it would just be 'jusqu'à midi'.
Posted by: Vivien | April 24, 2006 at 04:55 PM
Sorry i meant to say:
je dormons jusqu à midi.
Thanks for the help!
Posted by: Tamsin | April 24, 2006 at 10:34 PM
*je dors
Posted by: Tamsin | April 24, 2006 at 10:35 PM
Gavin, I have just noticed a mistake in your verbs yesterday - don't know how I missed it! It should of course be 'il prend' (je prends, tu prends, il/elle prend).
Posted by: Vivien | April 25, 2006 at 07:15 AM
Fine now Tamsin!
Posted by: Vivien | April 25, 2006 at 07:16 AM
il prends de bus
nous ecrivons un lettre
vous dormez sous les etoiles
je ecris avec une crayons
je prends le maths
il dort dans un lit
elle prends l'anglais
Posted by: Scott Mcglynn | October 29, 2006 at 07:32 PM