The cheesefest that is the Eurovision Song Contest is on tonight and I thought I'd provide our traditional Eurovision Phrasebook for the occasion.
These phrases may come in useful at a multilingual Eurovision party near you...
Bonsoir et amusez-vous bien ce soir!
Good evening and enjoy yourself this evening!
J'espère que notre cher M. Wogan est en forme ce soir!
I hope that dear Mr Wogan is on form this evening!
You may decide to discuss the eventual winner...
Qui va gagner, à votre avis?
Who do you think will win?
If the conversation dries up, you could always talk about your passion...
J'ai une collection de drapeaux nationaux à la maison
I have a collection of national flags at home!
...or discuss last year's contest...
Vous avez aimé la chanson slovénienne l'année dernière?
Did you like the Slovenian song last year?
Les animateurs sont très professionels, n'est-ce pas?
The presenters are very professional, aren't they? [no doub a bit tongue in cheek this one...]
As the evening draws on and you become more ... expressive ... your Spanish skills allow you to discuss the evening's events with other party-goers...
¿Qué opinas de esta canción?
What do you think of this song?
Esta canción parece mucho a...
This song sounds very like...
Or indeed you may despair about the whole contest...
Cada año es lo mismo
It's the same every year!
The performers themselves may well cause you some confusion...
¿Es un hombre o una mujer?
Is that a man or a woman...?
Siempre hay un país que quiere mostrar sus tendencias políticas con su canción...
There's always one country who wants to show its political tendencies with its song
As the song performances come to a close, it's time to consider the interval act...
No habrá nada que sea mejor que Riverdance, en mi opinión!
There won't ever be anything better than Riverdance in my opinion!
It's now time to move onto voting. And for this you'll probably move towards the Germans in the room.
Was für eine Überraschung! Griechenland hat dem Zypern zwölf Punkte gegeben!
What a surprise! Greece has given Cyprus 12 points*
Mit Bestürzung höre ich dass Frankreich dem Vereinigten Königreich keine Punkte gegeben hat!
I'm astounded to hear that France hasn't given the UK any points!
And you finally begin talking about which song will actually win.
Ihrer Meinung nach, welches Lied soll gewinnen?
Which song do you think will win?
Meiner Meinung nach wird Spanien gewinnen.
I believe that Spain will win.
And as you realise that Daz has no chance of bringing the contest to the UK next year...
Ich bin sehr enttäuscht! Wir haben nicht gewonnen!
I'm disappointed - we didn't win!
You can even download the audio for these phrases.