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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


林凡    FAN LIN

你好,好久不见!Mark, for a long time, I haven't been seen your blog, sorry. But I'm so looking forward to the Chinese summer school in Kilmarnock from 24th July, hope all students will enjoy the lessons. see you soon, and keep going on your Chinese!

Teeya Door

I think tones of mandarin pronunciation is the most difficult part for me. My teacher in Beijing Chinese School( http://www.hellomandarin.com ) spent about 1 week explaining to me. After almost 2 months, I finally can pronounce correctly many words. I always watch CLTV ( http://cltv.hellomandarin.com ) to practice listening and practice oral Chinese with volunteers on Voice Connecting China ( http://www.hellomandarin.com/connectingchina ).

Chinese Symbols

I am Learning Chinese through chinesepod.com


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