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Wee Katy Mdr

Ha ha ha ha ha!! The photo's are brilliant! Lesley - loving that pic of you smeeling the tea with a blocked nose! mdr!! Chinese whispers - how bad were we - well me anyways! mdr!

Diane M

Ni(3) ha(3)o!!!!

the pics are really good!chinese whispers was soo funny hahaha!!

lookin forward to tomoz c every1 then xxx


lol yeah chinese whispers was dismally done!!! =]
Lin Fan started off with an easy chinese sentence and when we finished it came out like "ching lin lang ren" or sumthin that didnt make sentence!!
lmao yeah it was a fun dayy!!



你们好!今天怎么样?太难了or 太简单了?hope you find the lesson is useful.I like the pictures,谢谢,马克!


Just an explanation of Lin Fan's comment:

你们好!今天怎么样?太难了or 太简单了
nǐ men hǎo! jīn tiān zěn me yàng? tài nán le (or) tài jiǎn dān le?

I think you should understand much of this, but you may need to refer to your notes.

Hello everyone! How was it for you today? (zěn me yàng is "how's it going, but remember the whole thing about no tenses? so "how's it going" can now mean "how was it going" or "how did it go"?) And you should probably recognise the phrases "too easy" and "too hard". Again, there's no real indication as to whether the phrases are in the present or past, so they could mean "was it too difficult", or "is it too difficult". Hope this helps!

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