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Ni(2) ha(4)o!!! Ni(3) ha(3)o ma? Wo(3) he(3)n ha(3)o! Wo(3) jia(4)o che(2)n shi(1) qi(2)! Ni(3) ne? Ni(2) jia(4)o she(2)nme? Wo(3) shi(4) su(1) ge(2) la(2)n re(2)n! Ni(3) shi(4) na(3) guo(2) re(2)n? Za(4)i jia(4)n!!

Ni hao!!! Ni hao ma? Wo hen hao! Wo jiao Che Shi Qi! Ni ne? Ni jiao shenme? Wo shi su ge lan ren! Ni shi na guo ren? Za jian!!


See this link: http://pienews.blogs.com/chinese/2006/07/day_1_homework.html for info on how to write pinyin using numbers.

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